Speaker Services

You have a group, an office or business, an NGO and need someone to speak about a topic related to health and wellness or self development. I would be happy to fill that need. I have been for over 25 years to groups from 5 to several thousand. Prices vary by group, topic and size. Contact me with your ideas and let's talk. 


Over Forty Years Experience Comes Together Here

Living Inside Love Workshops©

Are You Who You Want to Be...On a Daily Basis?


This series focuses on the connections, within and without, that make up you and your world. Experience them in a space of full heart-brain connection.


If you are in transition and re-inventing yourself willingly or otherwise this series will give you a major jump start to your new life.


Reserve Your Space


The Inner You: This workshop is all about how you talk to yourself. Experience what you feel now, what you can feel, what you want to feel. Where do your emotions show up in your body, your mind? By the end of the workshop, you will know how to defuse destructive self-talk, replace it with self love and worthiness. You can create the place that is now and love.


The Outer You: This workshop is all about how you interface with the outside world. Explore how you take it in? How does it affect you? Discover ways to catch it early so you can choose: “Do I let this in or not?”


The Visionary You:  Goals and Dreams Workshop. What is it you truly want and need? Do you know? Is that knowing from the heart or from your mind? Find your place of creation. Define your needs and wants from your whole being. Know they are truly yours. You will leave with a vibrant, powerful visionary board, it's affirmation and the exercises that actively assists you in manifesting those needs and wants.

This is the only workshop in the series offered separately.


The Relating You: This is the Workshop where you find out how the world sees you and if that is how you want to be seen. Do you want to visible or not? Do you want to be open or not? Do you wish to be wearing a costume that day? How will these choices help you communicate, or remain private?


Your Integrity Space: Getting a clearer look at your self-definitions will open a field of possibilities and choices about how you really want to be as you relate to the world and yourself. By workshop’s end, you will be experiencing the expanded grace that comes from being even more in integrity with who you really are. You will have the tools to hold that space when you are out in the world.


Your Perfect Timing: This is the Workshop for checking and re-checking the timing for something in your life (relationship, project, fill-in-the-blank). Is it your timing or someone else’s? Hint: sometimes it's obvious, often it isn’t. Is there a blending of roles or purposes, knowledge to be gained, contacts to be made that will affect your perfect timing?


Putting It All Together: This final Workshop gathers in the all methods, tools, and fun of the series. It will help you learn how to maintain you and what you want/need on a daily basis. (The previous 6 workshops in this series are a pre-requisite for this workshop).